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Marine Valves

Valves designated for the marine industry is responsible for more than just controlling the flow of media and pressure through the pipeline. They are designed to withstand different pressure and temperature conditions considering the variety of media they are exposed to. The start and the stop of the media flow is the main responsibility of marine valves. They can keep up with the regulation of the downstream system or the pressure process.

Katup yang ditunjuk untuk industri kelautan bertanggung jawab atas lebih dari sekadar mengendalikan aliran media dan tekanan melalui pipa. Mereka dirancang untuk menahan kondisi tekanan dan suhu yang berbeda mengingat variasi media yang terpapar. Mulai dan pemberhentian aliran media adalah tanggung jawab utama katup laut. Mereka dapat mengikuti peraturan sistem hilir atau proses tekanan.


Marine Angle Valves

Marine Angle Valve.
Application: Sea water piping, fresh water piping, oil piping and steam piping.
Function: Marine, connecting pipes, control fluid into and out.

Katup sudut laut.
Aplikasi: perpipaan air laut, perpipaan air tawar, pipa minyak dan pipa uap.
Fungsi: Kelautan, menghubungkan pipa, mengendalikan fluida ke dalam dan keluar.

Marine Globe Valves

Marine Globe Valve.
Application: Sea water piping, fresh water piping, oil piping and steam piping.
Function: preventing refluence in fuel oil, lubricating oil, and water piping at or under the temperature of 120 °C.

Katup Bola Laut.

Aplikasi: Pipa air laut, pipa air tawar, pipa minyak dan pipa uap.

Fungsi: mencegah refluks bahan bakar minyak, minyak pelumas, dan pipa air pada atau di bawah suhu 120 °C.

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